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The Wellbeing Snug

Online support offering access to a chat group, information about

services and general wellbeing support. 

The well-being snug is a members only Facebook page

where people share issues, support one another,

post daily affirmations and create

a sense of positivity. 


Well-Being Courses 


We run a range of well-being courses

aimed as supporting positive mental

health and general wellbeing.

We provide a safe space in which

participants are supported to

explore their true selves,

embrace change, develop

aspirations and move on.

"The support I have

received has not only

helped me;

it has helped my

whole family" 

"Amber Button has been

wonderful; they gave me

the confidence to complete

a programme

I did not think I could do" 

"I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed;

I have now offered to volunteer for Amber Button"


"I feel more confident in getting out of the house and talking to people; I am also considering volunteering"

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